Spec Work

Becoming a mom was many things: humbling, rewarding, novel.

Creatively inspiring it was not.

While on maternity leave, I decided to quench my creative thirst by putting together some of the kinds of campaigns I’d love to work on.

These are some of those babies, all written in the nursery.

It’s Not Werth It

Grandmas are known for being the kindest souls on the planet. But what makes them so kind?

This campaign idea uses Werther’s Originals reputation as a grandma candy to create a (quite literally) tongue-in-cheek story of how those grandmas become the sweet creatures they are.


Four grandmas are playing bridge.


Grandma One: You know what? I think Helen Mirren could play me in a biopic.


The other three grandmas fall silent and exchange knowing glances — this is factually untrue. They all reach for a Werther’s in the middle of the table.


Punch in on one of the grandmas sucking on a Werther’s.


The grandma crunches the Werther’s as the campaign line appears: Stay Sweet.

Ideally, this campaign would continue with these four grandmas using Werther’s to Stay Sweet. Other scenarios include one grandma sharing a photo of her ugly newborn grandson or another grandma arriving to wedding wearing white.

It’s What You Make Of It

I bought a Sculpd box a few weeks before we had our son in the hopes we’d have a little date night before our bundle of joy arrived.

Sadly, our Sculpd is still in its box.

That said, I was inspired by the idea that, while we dream big for these types of things, it’s not always the way it pans out.

And actually, that’s still pretty cool after all.


Husband is watching a movie with sexy sports cars.


Pan to show wife scrolling on her phone.


She is shopping on the Sculpd website.


She looks over at her husband in delight and makes her purchase.


Suddenly, we are in her imagination — she and her husband are sculpting, mimicking that scene from Ghost. Sexy music plays.

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Sexy music stops, and is replaced by the husband humming the same tune. We are pulled back to reality with a close-up of the wife with an expressionless look on her face.


Cut to her husband, gleefully sculpting a sexy sports car and continuing to hum the sexy tune.


End card: Sculpd. It’s what you make of it.

It’s What You Make Of It

Another one.

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Two friends are planning another friend’s birthday party.

Friend One: Lisa’s been so down in the dumps since she and Freddie broke up.


Friend one pulls up the Sculpd website.

Friend One: We should show up to her place and surprise her with a pottery party.


Suddenly, we are in their imagined sculpting party — they are making pots for plants, candle holders, bracelets and other fun little items. A pop song blares from a nearby speaker.


Cut to reality. Lisa is gleefully sculpting a… censored piece. She is humming the pop song that was playing in the previous scene.


Cut to a reaction shot of friends attempting to hide their expressions by eating miniature cupcakes.


End card: Sculpd. It’s what you make of it.

This page is currently under construction.

Check back for more babies.


Warner Music Experience


Pitch Please x Busch Light Contest